Acupuncture On Health
10849 Lurline Ave, Chatsworth 91311 CA, United States Tel: (818) 998-6845 Contact Us Website Sign in | ClickBook Information
Welcome!Welcome to Acupuncture On Health Online Appointment page.

Acupuncture on Health has been serving Chatsworth, CA by providing the community with vitamins, herbs, and other natural supplements for the last 15 years. The store also has a fully equipped acupuncture/health clinic.

We have in-house Ori. MD., state licensed acupuncturist, certified nutritionist, and certified personal trainer with 20+ years of experience in health foods and alternative medicine.

We accept most forms of payment.
Chatsworth Location - Please select a Service
People & Resources
Sorae Cho
Oriental Medicine Doctor/Licensed Acupuncturist
Dr. Sorae Cho, O.M.D., Lic. Ac. received his degree from South Baylo University-School of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine in Los Angeles. He also has 20+ yrs of experience in nutrition and herbs.

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After you choose a date & time, you will create an account with your details and complete the booking.

Your email address and password will then allow you to review, change and add appointments.

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